A Beginner’s Guide To Bail And Bail Bonds

If you or any of your friend has been in situation that calls for bail, you must have known how complicated the whole process of bail and bondsman is. Bail bonds may vary on crime, record of accused and several other factors. Plus, bail amount is often kept higher enough so that the accused couldn’t flee away.
Let us go through a complete guide you should know about bail and bail bond.

Why is bail set?

Jails often run for spaces. They have limited space, and there isn’t much reason for jails to hold a large number of suspects for more than a few days. Bail allows these people to be released under a fixed financial contract so that they can show up for their trials.

How bail amount is decided?

The bail amount depends on several factors like person’s criminal record, the seriousness of the alleged crime, and specifics for the arrest.

What is bail bond?

A bail bond or bail bondsman in new york is like a loan or partial payment. In simpler words, it is an agreement between the defendant and court where s/he agrees to show up the court for all his/her trials on scheduled dates. In lieu, court returns defendant’s money once the trial concludes. If bail is set $10,000, defendant pays the full amount. However, if s/he misses any of his/her trials, the entire amount is forfeited, and a warrant is issued for their arrest. If they remain present before the court for all his/her trails, their money is returned to them even if they are found guilty of the crime.

What does a bondsman do?

Often bail amount is kept so large that accused fails to pay the bail amount. A bond agent or bondsman pays the bond on behalf of the accused, and in return, they keep 5-10% of the total bail amount as their fees. A bondsman usually works for a particular bail bond agency or company. They also take responsibility to make sure that the defendant shows up in the court for all his/her trials.

How can you contact a bail bond agency?

If any acquaintance of yours is in jail, it is best to contact a nearby bondsman, for example, if you are seeking a long island bail bonds services, contact a bail bond agency based in Long Island. From here the bond agent will help you go through the process.

Hope this guide helped you in understanding the bail bond process. 


  1. Just happened to stumble upon this article. Nice quick read. I run an agency in Birmingham. http://www.bestbailbondsbirminghamal.com


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